Happy Feet

Susan Granger’s review of “Happy Feet” (Warner Bros.)

“If ‘Babe’ was the ‘talking-pig’ movie, then this is the ‘dancing-penguin’ movie,” says writer/director George Miller. Indeed, he was working on the computer and stop-motion animation long before the success of “March of the Penguins.”
In Antarctica, Emperor Penguins huddle together against the cold and sing to find a mate. Apparently, each penguin has a distinctive voice and that’s how they locate each other on the ice shelf. But little Mumble (voiced by Elijah Wood) can only squawk, much to the consternation of his Elvis-influenced dad (voiced by Hugh Jackman) and Marilyn-breathy mom, Norma Jean (voiced by Nicole Kidman).
Instead of warbling, Mumbles prefers to tap dance (steps by Broadway’s Savion Glover). “Don’t ask me to change ’cause I can’t,” he begs.
Isolated and ostracized for being “different,” Mumbles makes friends with a group of five wisecracking Latino penguins, led by Ramon (voiced by Robin Williams). While he loves his perilous adventures with “Los Penguinos,” like meeting the elephant seals (one voiced by the late Steve Irwin), Mumbles’ rhythmic match is his classmate Gloria (voiced by Brittany Murphy), who appreciates his hippity-hop and loves him for who he is.
In addition to the message of self-acceptance, there’s also an ecology-themed subplot in which the Rockhopper guru Lovelace (also voiced by Robin Williams) is choking on a discarded plastic six-pack ring that circles his neck, and the future of the whole flock is endangered because their fish supply is rapidly disappearing into nets.
The eclectic soundtrack ranges from the Beach Boys to the Beatles, from vintage Queen to a new song by Prince. On the Granger Movie Gauge of 1 to 10, “Happy Feet” flips in with a fun-filled, nimble 9. It puts a smile on your face and a song in your heart – a Heartsong!


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